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The ThreadAPI library has classes to manage threads and the associated synchronization mechanisms such as semaphores, mutexes, and message queues.


Thread creation and destruction follow RAII principles. A thread starts executing when it is constructed and stops when it is destructed.

#include <thread.hpp>
//Construct, execute and join a do nothing threadThread(  Thread::Attributes().set_detach_state(Thread::DetachState::joinable),  Thread::Construct().set_argument(nullptr).set_function([]()->void *{ return nullptr })).join()


A mutex is ready to use once it has been constructed. The best way to lock/unlock mutexes is using the Mutex::Scope class which will lock/unlock on construction/deconstruction.

#include <thread.hpp>
Mutex mutex
{  Mutex::Scope mutex_scope(mutex)  // do some things with the shared resource
} //~Mutex::Scope() unlocks the mutex

Condition Variables#

The thread::Cond class is a wrapper for pthread_cond style condition variables. The class needs a reference to the associated mutex.

#include <thread.hpp>
Mutex mutexCond cond(mutex)
//mutex must be locked before calling wait//wait blocks and atomically unlocks the mutexcond.lock().wait()
//in another thread use broadcast or signal to unblock the cond//lock()/unlock() are optional with broadcast()cond.lock().broadcast().unlock()
//or to just unblock ONE waiting threadcond.lock().signal().unlock()


The Sched class wraps posix-style sched_ functions which allow you to change the calling thread's priority and scheduling policy.

#include <thread.hpp>
//yield the processorSched().yield()
// change to fifo style with priority 1Sched().set_scheduler(Sched::SetScheduler()  .set_policy(Sched::Policy::fifo)  .set_priority(1))


The Signal and SignalHandler classes can be used to install process level signal handling functions. These classes are wrappers for posix-style signals.

#include <thread.hpp>
void interrupt_signal_handler(int a){  //will be executed on SIGINT}
Signal(Signal::Number::interrupt)  .set_handler(SignalHandler(interrupt_signal_handler))

//send SIGINT to calling processSignal(Signal::Number::interrupt).send(Sched::get_pid())