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API is a collection of cross-platform C++ libraries for


  • API: error handling and execution context
  • ChronoAPI: time and timing
  • FsAPI: File systems
  • PrinterAPI: printing variables
  • SysAPI: command line interface, system name, semantic versions
  • ThreadAPI: thread management
  • VarAPI: data and strings

How to Build#

The API library is designed to be a CMake sub-project. To build, please use one of these projects:


The API framework is a hard to mis-use, non-onerous C++ API achieved using the following principles:

Thread Local Error Context#

Error Context#

  • Cascading errors by returning int can be a huge pain
  • Use a single error context per thread
    • Tracks return value of read/write and other system calls
    • Monitors errno after system calls
    • Execute backtrace on error for debugging
    • Do not nest errors. If thread is_error(), operation is aborted.

This means anything that can affect the error context (including changing the value of errno) must abort if the thread already has an error.

const FileObject &FileObject::read(void *buf, int nbyte) const {  API_RETURN_VALUE_IF_ERROR(*this) //don't modify erroneous context  API_SYSTEM_CALL("", interface_read(buf, nbyte)) //update error context if needed  return *this //used for method chaining}

Thread Locality#

The process (primary thread) error context is created statically at compile time. The value of &errno provides an error context signature for each thread. An error context is dynamically allocated if a new thread has an error.

Error &PrivateExecutionContext::get_error() {  if (&(errno) == m_error.m_signature) {    return m_error  }  if (m_error_list == nullptr) {    m_error_list = new std::vector<Error>()    API_ASSERT(m_error_list != nullptr)  }  for (Error &error : *m_error_list) {    if (error.m_signature == &(errno)) {      return error    }    if (error.m_signature == nullptr) {      error.m_signature = &(errno)      return error    }  }  m_error_list->push_back(Error(&(errno)))  return m_error_list->back()}

Method Chaining#

Having a per-thread error context allows for very powerful (and concise) code using method chaining. This approach also helps to create strong arguments that are hard for application developers to use incorrectly.

class Point {public:  int x() const { return m_x }  int y() const { return m_y }
  Point& set_x(int value){    m_x = value    return *this  }
  Point& set_y(int value){    m_y = value    return *this  }
private:  int m_x = 0  int m_y = 0}
Point p = Point().set_x(50).set_y(100)

Filesystem Inspired Abstraction#

Almost any data in the API framework can be treated as a FileObject. This provides a unified way to move data around between memory, the filesystem, the internet, and devices.

//defines interface for using file like objectsclass FileObject {  //write source to this file  FileObject & write(const FileObject & source)}
//interacts with a real file (POSIX style)class File : public FileObject
//uses malloc/free to manage contentsclass DataFile : public FileObject
//looks at existing memory for file contentsclass ViewFile : public FileObject
//use callbacks for file contentsclass LambdaFile : public FileObject
// these are part of the InetAPI (separate repo)class Socket : public FileObjectclass SecureSocket : public FileObject

Strong Arguments#

API classes are designed so that the functionality is obvious without looking at the declaration. The code below illustrates one example.

//weak -- don't do thisFileSystem& rename(const StringView old_path, const StringView new_path)
//which is old and which is new?FileSystem().rename("my_file.txt", "your_file.txt")
//strongclass Rename {  //API_ACCESS is a getter/setter macro supporting  //method chaining  API_ACCESS(Rename,StringView,old_path)  API_ACCESS(Rename,StringView,new_path)}FileSystem& rename(const Rename & options)
//unambiguous functionalityFileSystem().rename(  Rename()    .set_old_path("my_file.txt")    .set_new_path("your_file.txt"))
// strong argument calls also include a call operator shortcutFileSystem& operator()(const Rename & options){  return rename(options)}
//called like thisFileSystem()(Rename()  .set_old_path("my_file.txt")  .set_new_path("your_file.txt"))

Use RAII for resource management#

RAII = resource acquisition is initialization

The constructor/deconstructor paradigm built into the C++ language is an excellent way to manage resources. If anything is "opened", it is done so in the constructor and then closed in the destructor. This goes for lock/unlock, malloc/free, initialize/finalize, and so on.

Here are a few examples:

//open/closeDataFile my_file{  //file is opened on construction  //OR that is, it is "initialized" on "acquisition"  File f("myfile.txt")   //read from f, write to my_file  my_file.write(f) } //f is closed when leaving scope
printf("my file is %s\n",
//lock/unlockMutex mutex{  Mutex::Scope mutex_scope(mutex) //lock mutex  File f("file.txt")  printf("file size is %d\n", f.size())} // f is closed then mutex is unlocked

One limitation to this approach comes when, for example, you want to construct a File but open it later. The API allows for constructing an unopened file and swapping it for something valid later.

Keep in mind, you can move a File but you cannot copy the object. This will be true throughout the API for any class that is associated with a system resource.

//this will just be an unopened file for nowFile f
if( f.is_valid() == false ){ //yep, it's not valid (also not erroneous)}
//This is how we open it laterf = File("myfile.txt").move()
//this is also OKf = std::move(File("myfile.txt"))
//But we can never make copies//this won't compile because the//copy constructor is deletedFile f_copy = f

File Copy Example#

Using traditional C/POSIX style programming to copy a file looks something like this:

int file_fd = open("file.txt", O_READONLY)if( f < 0 ){ /*cascade the error up the chain*/ }
int new_file_fd = open("new_file.txt", O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)if( new_file_fd < 0 ){ /*cascade the error up the chain*/ }
char buffer[64]int bytes_read = 0
while( (bytes_read = read(file_fd, buffer, 64)) > 0 ){  if( write(new_file_fd, buffer, bytes_read) < 0 ){    //cascade the error up the chain  }}
if( close(file_fd) < 0){ /*cascade the error up the chain*/ }if( close(new_file_fd) < 0){ /*cascade the error up the chain*/ }

The API way is much more concise.

//copy file.txt -> new_file.txtFile(File::IsOverwrite::yes, "new_file.txt").write(File("file.txt"))if( api::ExecutionContext::is_error() ){  //something didn't work -- error context has the details}

The error context of the thread will record the precise location of the error and provide a backtrace.


getters and setters#

The API framework uses set_value() for setting and value() for access to a value. If the method needs to do something extra to return the value, get_value() is used.

The chrono::ClockTime has some good examples:

//access seconds -- nothing to calculate or fetchs32 seconds() const { return m_value.tv_sec }
//setting the secondsClockTime &set_seconds(u32 seconds) {  m_value.tv_sec = seconds  return *this}
// the age isn't readily available, so we do get_age() rather than age()ClockTime get_age() const { return get_system_time() - *this }


If a class can have a valid/invalid state, the method is_valid() is used to check.


#include <thread.hpp>#include <fs.hpp>
File fif( f.is_valid() ){}
Thread tif( t.is_valid() ){}


The code and a few guides ( docs in the repo) are all the available documentation. For many years, I believed in Doxygen style comments, but most of the documentation just ended up being redundant. This snippet was taken directly from the code before the comments were removed.

/*! \details Compares <= to another MicroTime object. */bool operator<=(const MicroTime &a) const {  return microseconds() <= a.microseconds()}

Comments in the code exist to explain why and give insights that are not obvious. They are not there to explain what. The API and code should do that on their own.